Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

pelvic floor strengthening

Exercise and Your Pelvic Floor

Embrace the power of exercise for your pelvic floor – those hidden heroes that support you from within! They’re vital for organ support, bladder control, and more. As women, we might face pelvic floor issues, but we can conquer them with lifestyle tweaks and targeted exercises. Breathe deeply, move dynamically – it’s all about embracing your body’s strength. From eccentric movements to rotational exercises, every action empowers your pelvic floor. Nourish yourself with wholesome foods and hydration. You’re not just working out; you’re investing in your inner strength, resilience, and well-being. Let’s celebrate our bodies, inside and out!

Tall posture

7 Exercises to Enhance Posture: Stand Tall and Feel Confident

Good posture is more than just standing up straight; it’s about aligning your body properly to reduce strain on muscles and joints…

group personal training in philadelphia

Empowering Your Life: The Transformative Power of Exercise and Health Habits

In the fast-paced world we live in, maintaining a healthy lifestyle often takes a backseat. However, investing time and effort in cultivating…

This is How We Roll!

Have you been in our space recently, seeing us rolling around the turf like children on the playground and thought, “Why is…

Personal Trainer in Philadelphia

Building Strength After 40: With a Personal Trainer in Philadelphia, Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40? Absolutely! Especially with the help of a Personal Trainer in Philadelphia. Many people think that we…

Getting Grounded Helps Us Relax

Hector and the team at elevate – a personal training gym in Rittenhouse adjacent – believe in the power of grounding techniques….

Ergonomics and Working at Home

Rehabilitation and fitness motivate everything we do at elevate. Movement, agility, and stability improve your health at every age. And now we…

Exercise and Activity Promote Brain Health

We know that there are a lot of personal training studio choices. And we notice that many focus on short-term goals. We…

HIIT Works, But Keep Moving Too

We’re more than a personal training gym, but performance training forms a core of our business. So, clients often ask us about…

Exercise Improves Your Health, Not Weight Loss

Many of us believe that losing weight equates to better health. And we may exercise to help lose weight. It doesn’t work,…