Now more than ever, our elevate team agrees with The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that exercise is medicine. The evidence keeps coming in.
Exercise improves your cardio-vascular strength. That improves your overall health. (People with serious cardiovascular, metabolic or renal challenges need to consult their physician).
Research shows again and again that exercise is medicine.
A new, large, multi-decade observational study shows that just 11 to 35 minutes of moderate exercise daily increases your longevity. Perhaps because, many studies found that just 15 minutes of exercise a day improves your heart health and lowers your blood pressure.
And a study from Harvard with 16,000 participants showed that moderate exercise lowered total cholesterol dramatically.
As part of their Exercise is Medicine program, the ACSM conducted an in-depth peer-reviewed “study of studies.” It focused on exercise and the incidence of cancer. They concluded that regular moderate exercise reduces your risk of developing cancer – by as much as 69%.
Sweden’s Karolinska Institute (2019) found that tumor growth slowed dramatically in rats who exercised. Because tumors thrive when deprived of oxygen (which may seem counter-intuitive). Exercise increases oxygen levels and slowed the growth.
Numerous other studies suggest that exercise is medicine. Another Karolinska Institute (2015) showed that exercise improved immune response. Exercising stimulated CD8 + T cells that impede cancer’s growth by increasing lactate levels.
Whether you’re looking at prevention or addressing a health concern our health professionals can create an exercise is medicine program for you.
Even if you’re not convinced that exercise is medicine, why not commit to regular a regular therapeutic exercise program? We guarantee that you’ll look and feel better. When you’re ready, we’re to help. Just contact us.